Finally was able to finish and reassemble the interior of the CR-Z. All of the legacy grey interior is now gone and replaced by black and red leather seats, black console, black pillars, and black headliner. The mod makes the cabin quite a bit darker so some augmentation of the lighting other than the previously installed LED replacement lighting will have to be done. Would have been nice if Honda had offered a black interior option but for whatever reason only the single grey interior is stock.
All of the paneling inside the CR-Z overlaps and locks together all the way to the rear of the vehicle. Various combinations of friction clips and door clips that run under the door and rear hatch molding hold the endpoints of the interior in place.
There seems to be little to no sound material present inside the paneling. New sound insulation may be in order if a stereo upgrade is one of the mods one wants to run. What little insulation is there doesn’t do a bad job
interior mods are as follows:
Black headliner, pillars, console
Momo automatic gear shifter
Red Honda steering wheel emblem
Black and red leather seats and side panels
LED front console lights, ultra white
LED door lights, ultra white
LED rear compartment lights, red
Broadway mirror
Hey there. Fantastic job on the interior. That’s probably the best looking job I’ve ever seen. I am extremely curious as to how you changed the color of the gray interior items however. I have a North Shore Blue Pearl CR-Z and I’m dying to change the interior to all black. I already have leather seats and a black armrest installed. Any quick pointers you could give me? Thanks!
It’s a combination of Plasti-dip and Dupli-color Vinyl and Fabric Coating. Majority if Dupli-color like on the center console, pillars and headliner. Dupli-color adhesion promoter was also used on the vinyl parts (console and pillars) before vinyl and fabric coating.
Thanks man! I actually just now noticed your reply…but it didn’t take me long to realize that Plasti-Dip would be fantastic in changing my interior console to black, as I have used it to change my stock alloy rims into black. I’ve had fantastic results with the Plasti-Dip, and this week I am slowly changing my interior. I have one question though: What did you use to change the entire ceiling fabric? Also, how did you manage to take the entire ceiling fabric out? Thanks!
Headliner is Dupli-Color Vinyl and Fabric Coating
Headliner is a pain to remove as you need to remove all the rear and side panels (because they overlap), the front sun visors and headliner controls. There are also two bolts in the rear under the panels and two plastic pins in the middle of the headliner (visible).
That’s the easy part. The hard part is getting it out of the car. I ended up giving up and carefully bending it and removing it out the rear hatch. No guarantees as it’s not a small project. Good luck! Oh and let it dry for a couple weeks or you’ll gas yourself in your car as the fumes trapped in the small interior overwhelm you (no joke).
Dang. That sounds easy to detach, but impossible to get out. I’m unsure if I’m willing to go to that much trouble. I’m afraid I’d mess something up. Regardless I finished finishing my entire console and grey panels black and it looks fantastic. I think I can live with the headliner for now. Thank you so much for the idea and help!
Сиденья Honda CR-Z выполнены в спортивном стиле, с возможностью электронной подстройки под водителя или пассажира. Между сиденьями, перед рычагом КПП, разместили держатели для стаканов и разъем под зарядку от USB или питания прикуривателя 12 В. По периметру CR-Z установлено 6 динамиков, для лучшего акустического звучания.
Время не стоит на месте, так же и автомобильные технологии идут нога в ногу. Как и полагается компания Honda не отстает от конкурентов и каждый раз выдумывает что-то новое и внушительное, хоть и небольших размеров. Все больше набирает популярности вид автомобилей, которые выбрасывают минимальное количество выхлопных газов, показывают максимальную экономию и могут превзойти комфортные дорогие автомобили. Один из таких автомобилей стала выпускать компания Honda, модель CR-Z 2015. Небольшое за размерами купе сочетает в себе как двигатель внутреннего сгорания, так и электродвигатель. Таким образом, CR-Z получил название гибридного автомобиля. Honda CR-Z получилась привлекательной, экономичной и экологичной.